About Traci

Who Am I?

Hi! My name is Traci and I am a PNW native. I spent most of my life looking for love but came up short time and time again. Romantic relationships were difficult to understand, and I had no clue what to expect and what not to tolerate. And yet, there was an awareness in me - not from the examples set around me, but instead from a truth that God had placed deep within me.

Two people could come together and care for one another, yet I often got into a relationship and experienced pain, fear and rejection. I married for the first time at 21 and for a third time at 54. One would think I had enough time to grow and mature in my knowledge of love and seek out someone who was safe, caring and committed. But I had no understanding of what God taught about marriage. What was wrong inside of me that was causing these heartaches?

Over the years I found myself in and out of counseling, but never with real direction that brought about change. It wasn’t until my first session with a biblical counselor named Steve, that I started to have hope in a new outcome. My time spent with Steve brought answers to why I was struggling in my marriage and provided personal direction for the work I was to do. It was painful and difficult, but God didn't abandon me in the process. Instead he brought many strong believers to walk beside me.

During this time, I grew my faith and love for Jesus. I came to understand what it meant to live my life as his follower. The more scripture I read and biblical counseling I received, God began to change me in areas that brought life to me.

If you are trying to make sense of your life and marriage, but are struggling to find guidance to move forward, there is hope. I am here to tell you help is out there and Christ is ready to reveal Himself to you in His word! I would be honored to be a part of your journey and help you discover the truth about who God says you are. My goal is to help others believe the deep love God has for them, and show you a never failing truth source that will sustain you long after the sessions end.

Why the Woman at the Well?

The story of the Samaritan woman at the well begins as Jesus is in the Judean countryside with His disciples. The passage tells us that Jesus had to pass through Samaria (John 4:4) as He was going from Judea to Galilee. This, in and of itself, was uncommon for Jews to do, as Samaritans were part Jew and part Gentile, and greatly disliked by both parties.

As the story progresses, we learn that this woman regularly comes to the well at this time of day (John 4:15). She has been married 5 times, and is currently living in unrepentant sin, by living with her boyfriend. These circumstances point to her desire to avoid the shame that would come by attending the well when other women were present. And yet, Jesus, in His divine intentionality sought to meet this specific woman at this specific time.

Just as the Samaritan woman was looking to men to satisfy her soul, we also look to things outside of Christ to give our hearts meaning and purpose (John 4:14). However, as Jesus revealed Himself to her, he sought to show her that He was the never-ending water she was so thirsty for (John 7:38). John 4:13 says, “Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

Today as I read this story, I see myself in the woman at the well. Like her, I too was shaken when my own sin was revealed to me. How I put the love of others higher than His love for me. As Christ continued to teach me this amazing story, I began to see and believe Jesus alone is the Living Water that fills our void. He never tires of us and will never walk away and turn his back on us. He will protect us, guide us, comfort us and speak truth to our hearts. Why? Because he is Love and he is faithful. We can count on him because he is dependable, trustworthy and good.

Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

— John 4:13

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